235 research outputs found

    Advances in bioimaging - Challenges and potentials

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    Zooming in on virus surface protein mobility

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    Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy studies of human immunodeficiency virus

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    Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy combines the ability to observe biological processes beyond the diffraction limit of conventional light microscopy with all advantages of the fluorescence readout such as labelling specificity and non-invasive live-cell imaging. Due to their subdiffraction size (< 200 nm) viruses are ideal candidates for super-resolution microscopy studies, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) is to date the most studied virus by this technique. This review outlines principles of different super-resolution techniques as well as their advantages and disadvantages for virological studies, especially in the context of live-cell imaging applications. We highlight the findings of super-resolution based HIV-1 studies performed so far, their contributions to the understanding of HIV-1 replication cycle and how the current advances in super-resolution microscopy may open new avenues for future virology research

    Super-Resolution STED Microscopy-Based Mobility Studies of the Viral Env Protein at HIV-1 Assembly Sites of Fully Infected T-Cells

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    The ongoing threat of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) requires continued, detailed investigations of its replication cycle, especially when combined with the most physiologically relevant, fully infectious model systems. Here, we demonstrate the application of the combination of stimulated emission depletion (STED) super-resolution microscopy with beam-scanning fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (sSTED-FCS) as a powerful tool for the interrogation of the molecular dynamics of HIV-1 virus assembly on the cell plasma membrane in the context of a fully infectious virus. In this process, HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) becomes incorporated into the assembling virus by interacting with the nascent Gag structural protein lattice. Molecular dynamics measurements at these distinct cell surface sites require a guiding strategy, for which we have used a two-colour implementation of sSTED-FCS to simultaneously target individual HIV-1 assembly sites via the aggregated Gag signal. We then compare the molecular mobility of Env proteins at the inside and outside of the virus assembly area. Env mobility was shown to be highly reduced at the assembly sites, highlighting the distinct trapping of Env as well as the usefulness of our methodological approach to study the molecular mobility of specifically targeted sites at the plasma membrane, even under high-biosafety conditions

    Blob-B-Gone: a lightweight framework for removing blob artifacts from 2D/3D MINFLUX single-particle tracking data

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    In this study, we introduce Blob-B-Gone, a lightweight framework to computationally differentiate and eventually remove dense isotropic localization accumulations (blobs) caused by artifactually immobilized particles in MINFLUX single-particle tracking (SPT) measurements. This approach uses purely geometrical features extracted from MINFLUX-detected single-particle trajectories, which are treated as point clouds of localizations. Employing k-means++ clustering, we perform single-shot separation of the feature space to rapidly extract blobs from the dataset without the need for training. We automatically annotate the resulting sub-sets and, finally, evaluate our results by means of principal component analysis (PCA), highlighting a clear separation in the feature space. We demonstrate our approach using two- and three-dimensional simulations of freely diffusing particles and blob artifacts based on parameters extracted from hand-labeled MINFLUX tracking data of fixed 23-nm bead samples and two-dimensional diffusing quantum dots on model lipid membranes. Applying Blob-B-Gone, we achieve a clear distinction between blob-like and other trajectories, represented in F1 scores of 0.998 (2D) and 1.0 (3D) as well as 0.995 (balanced) and 0.994 (imbalanced). This framework can be straightforwardly applied to similar situations, where discerning between blob and elongated time traces is desirable. Given a number of localizations sufficient to express geometric features, the method can operate on any generic point clouds presented to it, regardless of its origin

    Fluorescence Microscopy of the HIV-1 Envelope

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    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection constitutes a major health and social issue worldwide. HIV infects cells by fusing its envelope with the target cell plasma membrane. This process is mediated by the viral Env glycoprotein and depends on the envelope lipid composition. Fluorescent microscopy has been employed to investigate the envelope properties, and the processes of viral assembly and fusion, but the application of this technique to the study of HIV is still limited by a number of factors, such as the small size of HIV virions or the difficulty to label the envelope components. Here, we review fluorescence imaging studies of the envelope lipids and proteins, focusing on labelling strategies and model systems

    Influence of nanobody binding on fluorescence emission, mobility, and organization of GFP-tagged proteins

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    Advanced fluorescence microscopy studies require specific and monovalent molecular labeling with bright and photostable fluorophores. This necessity led to the widespread use of fluorescently labeled nanobodies against commonly employed fluorescent proteins (FPs). However, very little is known how these nanobodies influence their target molecules. Here, we tested commercially available nanobodies and observed clear changes of the fluorescence properties, mobility and organization of green fluorescent protein (GFP) tagged proteins after labeling with the anti-GFP nanobody. Intriguingly, we did not observe any co-diffusion of fluorescently labeled nanobodies with the GFP-labeled proteins. Our results suggest significant binding of the nanobodies to a non-emissive, likely oligomerized, form of the FPs, promoting disassembly into monomeric form after binding. Our findings have significant implications on the application of nanobodies and GFP labeling for studying dynamic and quantitative protein organization in the plasma membrane of living cells using advanced imaging techniques

    Creating supported plasma membrane bilayers using acoustic pressure

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    Model membrane systems are essential tools for the study of biological processes in a simplified setting to reveal the underlying physicochemical principles. As cell-derived membrane systems, giant plasma membrane vesicles (GPMVs) constitute an intermediate model between live cells and fully artificial structures. Certain applications, however, require planar membrane surfaces. Here, we report a new approach for creating supported plasma membrane bilayers (SPMBs) by bursting cell-derived GPMVs using ultrasound within a microfluidic device. We show that the mobility of outer leaflet molecules is preserved in SPMBs, suggesting that they are accessible on the surface of the bilayers. Such model membrane systems are potentially useful in many applications requiring detailed characterization of plasma membrane dynamics. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Mechanical properties of plasma membrane vesicles correlate with lipid order, viscosity and cell density

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    Regulation of plasma membrane curvature and composition governs essential cellular processes. The material property of bending rigidity describes the energetic cost of membrane deformations and depends on the plasma membrane molecular composition. Because of compositional fluctuations and active processes, it is challenging to measure it in intact cells. Here, we study the plasma membrane using giant plasma membrane vesicles (GPMVs), which largely preserve the plasma membrane lipidome and proteome. We show that the bending rigidity of plasma membranes under varied conditions is correlated to readout from environment-sensitive dyes, which are indicative of membrane order and microviscosity. This correlation holds across different cell lines, upon cholesterol depletion or enrichment of the plasma membrane, and variations in cell density. Thus, polarity- and viscosity-sensitive probes represent a promising indicator of membrane mechanical properties. Additionally, our results allow for identifying synthetic membranes with a few well defined lipids as optimal plasma membrane mimetics

    Adaptive optics allows STED-FCS measurements in the cytoplasm of living cells

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    Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy in combination with super-resolution stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED-FCS) is a powerful tool to investigate molecular diffusion with sub-diffraction resolution. It has been of particular use for investigations of two dimensional systems like cell membranes, but has so far seen very limited applications to studies of three-dimensional diffusion. One reason for this is the extreme sensitivity of the axial (z) STED depletion pattern to optical aberrations. We present here an adaptive optics-based correction method that compensates for these aberrations and allows STED-FCS measurements in the cytoplasm of living cells